San Franciscos två Markar - Mark Eitzel och Mark Kozelek - uppskattade varandras musik, åtminstone i början av 1990-talet. Utan American Music Club, som redan var kända, hade Red House Painters fått vänta längre på genombrottet.
Anthony Koutsos i Red House Painters gav en demo till Vudi i American Music Club, som sedan Eitzel lyssnade på och gillade. Han gav den i sin tur till en journalist, vilket ledde till att Red House Painters fick kontrakt med skivbolaget 4AD. Allt det här finns berättat i Sean Bodys bok ”Wish the World Away – Mark Eitzel and the American Music Club” (1999).
Där berättar också Mark Kozelek hur de två först möttes: "Sitting next to him I fel some strange pressure,, and felt that he flet that also. It semed as if all eyes at the table were on us, too see if we eould connect or to see what would happen. I felt self-conscious and I felt that he did too. We didn't speak more than a few words. He had a paper bag with some used books in it. I may have asked him what was in the bag."
Trots stelheten bjöd Eitzel in Kozelek på fest. Kozelek berättar: "Eitzel talked about Jonathan Richman and he was really disappointed that I didn't know who he was. Eitzel seemed disappointed in me somehow. He never invited me to a party after that."
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