onsdag, augusti 26

Creamfields Dance festival

The largest dance music festivals is hitting the town of Cheshire, England this month known as Creamfields.

Successful festivals run every year and have been held all over the globe in places such as Mexico, Moscow, Brazil, Poland and even Uruguay.

Buenos Aires has been holding its very own Creamfields event since 2001 and has seen more than 60,000 attendees hitting the dance floor for over 17 hours. Who can blame them dancing away in beautiful Brazil does have a better ring to it than plodging in the UK for instance.

That being said the UK event still holds its own, and sees visitor from around Europe flock to see the mainly amazing artists headlining and playing.

The summer of 2009 will see artists such as Sacha, Tiesto, Mylo, Pete Tong, Judge Jules and Erick Morillo.

For those wanting a full dance weekend experience many of those attending choose to camp onsite. Although personally more a fan of a warm hotel, there is an appeal of enjoying the music to its fullest all weekend and socializing with other dance music lovers from around the country and Europe. Maybe this year I’ll dig out my Wellingtons and give it a try.

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2 kommentarer:

Matti sa...

Nu börjar frågorna om vem Dan egentligen är hopa sig.

En världsvan backpacker som sitter på stranden och läser Harlequinböcker eller Dan Brown, som åker över till Cheshire, England i sina Wellingtons över helgen, men ändå inte vet att Buenos Aires ligger i Argentina?

Kalle sa...

Last time I checked Buenos Aires was the capital of Argentina so how they can dance away in Brazil is beyond me.