So I thought I would plan a night at home with a book and a glass of wine, I thought lets try something informative and popular at the moment rather than a slushy romance novel.
Browsing my local bookstore lay the book titles Renegade: The making of a President written by Richard Wolffe. I was tempted to give in to temptation and head straight for the romance section, however something intrigued me.
The book was only written in four months, even as the presidents campaign was still in progress. What makes the book rather interesting is Wolfe was previously covering the presidents campaign working as a correspondent for Newsweek, and it wasn’t until a friend suggested he write the book.
After talking the idea over with Obama himself, it was agreed he would go ahead with his project and fast. However the former president did warn the journalist come writer, that as the next president of the United States of America he would need to be careful what he wrote.
Obama and Wolfe connected during the writing, the President reacted to the writers personal story by acknowledging the similarity maybe this is the reason for the popularity of the book.
Det här inlägget är en del av Extra allts projekt Den outsourcade bloggen.
2 kommentarer:
Bästa inlägget hittills- Dan avslöjar att han brukar sitta hemma och dricka vin och läsa slushy romance novels! Tummen upp!
Ja, man fick en liten glimt av Dans privatliv.
Men är det någon som fattar det där med "the former president"?
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